Elm City Vineyard Church Talks

Have you ever been so cold that you don’t share a blanket? When you finally get some warmth in the winter, sharing it is not so easy. Sometimes, we simply need to be warmed in order to share that warmth with others. This is often true for God’s lavish love and hospitality. How can we show God’s warmth to others when we haven’t lately received it ourselves? In our first sermon series of the new year, we will talk about the gifts God gives us (love, home, family, and the Spirit) as our Great Host and how we’re called to give those away to the Church, neighbors, strangers, and enemies. Come today to hear about and experience God’s love as God’s ultimate act of hospitality.

Creators & Guests

Josh Williams

What is Elm City Vineyard Church Talks?

Elm City Vineyard Church Talks is a collection of talks from Elm City Vineyard Church, a faith community in New Haven, CT.