Optimise Your Body with Martin Silva

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Dr. Ted Naiman shares his journey from engineering to medicine, inspired by the role of diet and exercise in optimising health. He initially thought type 2 diabetes was primarily genetic, but realised lifestyle factors like diet and exercise are crucial. Genetics don't seal one's fate, environmental factors like diet and exercise have a huge impact on health outcomes. Insulin resistance is linked to running out of space to store calories in muscle or fat cells. The "P.E. Diet" focuses on protein and energy balance rather than restricting carbs or fats. Humans obtain nutrients by consuming other living organisms, which get energy from plants via photosynthesis. A higher protein percentage of calories (20-33%) is more satiating and can help with weight loss compared to the modern 12.5% protein diet. The protein-to-non-protein energy ratio is one of the most important dietary factors. Foods with more protein, fibre, and water have higher "satiety per calorie" and can prevent overeating. Understanding satiety per calorie can help make better food choices for gaining or losing weight.

00:00:00 - Free Metabolic Assessment and Optimizing Health
00:01:41 - From Engineering to Medicine: A Winding Career Path
00:04:59 - Diabetes, Diet, and Exercise: The Powerful Interplay
00:10:12 - Exploring the PE Diet: Protein and Energy
00:12:34 - The Role of Protein and Minerals in Plant and Animal Nutrition
00:16:13 - The Power of Protein: Satiety and Calorie Control
00:20:17 - Satiety Per Calorie: The Key to Healthy Eating
00:23:57 - Exploring the Spectrum of Satiety per Calorie in Foods
00:28:03 - Processed vs. Unprocessed Foods: Nuancing the Debate
00:31:38 - Protein Bars vs. Whole Foods for Satiety
00:36:04 - Explaining Volume Eating: Mechanical Distension and Satiating Low-Calorie Foods
00:39:48 - Optimizing Protein Intake and Exercise for Weight Loss
00:44:03 - The Power of Resistance Training for Sustainable Fat Loss
00:46:18 - The Benefits of Building Lean Muscle Mass
00:50:38 - Calisthenics: Bodyweight Training at Home
00:52:38 - The Benefits of Bodyweight Exercises for Longevity
00:55:36 - Finding the Right Fitness Balance
00:58:48 - Exploring Ted Naiman's Work: Books, Brands, and Nutrition Apps

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What is Optimise Your Body with Martin Silva?

Hosted by Transformation Coach and Ex-Pro Physique Competitor- Martin Silva.
Nutrition. Training. Lifestyle. Mindset.
Martin is a true health guru. With a focus on nutrition and the best foods that we can be eating to maintain optimum health.
Find out how Martin's life changed when he put health before aesthetics with a clean diet and more of a balanced lifestyle.
Martin has interviewed some world-renowned guests on his podcast.
If you're looking to level up your body and mindset, this podcast is for you.