Turn the Dial - Real Estate Agent Podcast

Standing the Test of Time:  An Interview with seasoned veteran agents Kathy Slack & Starla Shaulis.
In this episode, Scott & Renee interview two amazing longtime agents in the real estate business.  Combined they have almost 60 years in the business and have been through both the best of times and worst of times.  They share their insight as to HOW they stayed in the business even when times were tough.  They also give tips to agents thinking about getting OUT of the business, as well as tips for those thinking of jumping IN the business.  You won't want to miss this one.

What is Turn the Dial - Real Estate Agent Podcast?

Scott & Renee Comey are coaches, trainers and speakers in the Real Estate space. In addition, they have reached a sales level that had put them in the Top 1% nationally in Real Estate sales. Each episode focuses on a different subject matter in either business or sales. They have featured guests from CEO's, to Bestselling Authors to Business & Team Leaders from around the world. We hope you get a good nugget out of each podcast episode.