The MOVE Against Cancer Podcast

In this episode we talk to Leah Barrow. Leah’s partner Andrew was on a previous episode of our podcast titled, ‘Cancer and the Comeback with Andrew McAslan’ and we really wanted to get Leah’s take on what it’s like to be a partner of someone with a cancer diagnosis. Leah talks very openly and honestly about supporting Andrew though his cancer treatment, and how she had to find her own ways of coping and looking after her own mental health, all whilst being a caregiver to Andrew. She details the many struggles that a partner of someone with cancer is faced with, from career worries to feeling completely isolated, and the toolbox of coping mechanisms she has had to build in order to look after herself whilst supporting Andrew through his next phase of treatment.

Show Notes

Leah talks to MOVE’s Sophie Mulligan, who has had cancer herself and also had a partner support her through it. In this episode they discuss:

-Andrew’s previous treatment and very recently receiving news that the cancer had returned.
-The highs and lows that a couple goes through when one of them has cancer.
-How life changes for the partner, as well as the person with the diagnosis.
-How being a partner of someone with cancer can be lonely and isolating.
-Coping mechanisms and how looking after yourself means you can be a better version of you to support your partner through their treatment and beyond.
-How still doing things that you enjoy together and also communicating and being honest with each other can benefit the relationship.
-Advice and support for partners of someone with cancer.

This is the first episode we’ve done which features a partner as opposed to the person with cancer themselves and we guarantee that even if you are not affected by cancer directly, you will learn something from this episode and you will feel inspired by Leah’s strength, character and honesty. Cancer is a journey full of highs and lows and this episode will encourage you to embrace your emotions and use them to build a better version of yourself, in order to be a better person to support those around you.

Listen to ‘Cancer and the Comeback with Andrew McAslan’ HERE.
Andy's blog on our website.
Athletics Weekly Article.

Cancer and the Comeback
Instagram: @cancerandthecomeback
Twitter: @cancerncomeback 

What is The MOVE Against Cancer Podcast?

Welcome to the Move Against Cancer Podcast.

This podcast aspires to support and inspire people to move, exercise and live an active and fulfilling life despite a cancer diagnosis. We share the stories of ordinary people doing extraordinary things.

We know that many people are scared to stay active during cancer treatment. We know that for some, cancer can take away the hope that comes from dreaming of a future. And we know many people diagnosed with cancer feel isolated and lonely.

We hope that by sharing the stories of others finding their own way through cancer, the Move Against Cancer podcast will provide hope, support and a sense of empowerment to anyone living with or beyond cancer.

Unfortunately, cancer will affect everyone either personally or through our loved ones and so whatever position you are in we hope you will learn and be inspired by our podcast. Thank you so much for listening.