The Deeper You Go The Weirder It Gets

This episode is about the Immaculate Conception which is the biblical story about Mary, the virgin Mary, who gave birth to Jesus. However as you can probably guess there is much more to this story than meets the eye. The story of the immaculate conception is not about a women who defied the laws of biology and gave birth to the son of GOD, instead it is a story about you and me, it's a story that discusses the concept of manifestation, about how to bring an idea into its physical form, it is a story about the Alchemical progress. It’s also a subtle reminder that you need to take responsibility and control of your own mind if you want to reach your highest potential. 

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What is The Deeper You Go The Weirder It Gets?

This podcast is all about the journey. The journey of self-discovery, the journey to reach our highest potential and the journey to understand the nature of reality.

Podcast host Garett Renon is currently studying shipibo style plant medicine and is an apprentice under world renown shipibo curandero and ayahuasquero Ricardo Amaringo. Garett brings a unique perspective and insight into the world of shipibo style plant medicine documenting his year long sama with the powerful master tree ayahuma.

Join Garett on his journey as he discusses: The power and potential of Plant medicine, Human potential, The power of the mind, The nature of consciousness, Supernatural phenomena and much more.