Kickin' Cancer Cares

Kacey McCallister joins Amanda and Baron to share stories of doing the Spartan Trifecta in 2019 and how even with no legs he does these because he CAN.  This "Nothing is Impossible" attitude inspired Baron in his 50s to go for the Trifecta.

What is Kickin' Cancer Cares?

Join KSLM and Kickin’ Cancer in bringing awareness to our community. Baron and Amanda will share testimonies of local families that have encountered, fought, and overcome the heartache that is caused by cancer.

Empowering individuals, to thrive through the cancer journey, through support and education.
Keeping LOCAL money LOCAL to provide emotional and financial support to families currently in the fight with cancer.
50% reduction of new cases of cancer, by educating people about living an anti-cancer lifestyle; while reaching into local communities throughout the United States, supporting families both emotionally and financially that are currently in the fight with cancer.
Live an anticancer lifestyle through five core values plan:
1. Eat real food
2. Reduce your stress
3. Rest is powerful
4. Do some movement
5. Gain social support