Daily Caffeine

When we ask a question, we query some deeper part of our minds that isn’t stuck in the narrative about how we’re stuck on a problem.

Strangely, we don’t really know what we know until we ask ourselves about it.

If I were to ask you about 3 lessons you’ve learned about your job over the past 6 months…

You would come up with an answer. But where did that answer come from?

Your brain builds answers for you when you ask a question. You can use this to make “*What-If* lists.”

“*If* I had the answer to this…*What* would I do?

Show Notes

How do you come up with new ideas to solve your problems on the spot?

What is Daily Caffeine?

Daily Caffeine shares 5-minute insights about creating your own processes for personal and creative mastery. From David Sherry.