Summary - Pursuing Spiritual Wealth, with Marcus Hall
Faith Ventures welcomes Marcus Hall, financial planner and Certified Kingdom Advisor. In this thought-provoking episode, Marcus emphasizes the connection between faith and finances, urging us to view money as a tool to align with their beliefs and actively contribute to their faith. He shares insights on financial stewardship, the power of giving, and incorporating Christian values into financial decision-making. Proper planning isn't merely about adding zeroes to your account, but about what you will do with what you earn and save. Moreover, these lessons apply in a parallel fashion to everywhere we are working: service is primary. His efforts to educate his fellow believers in this manner are non-trivial, including authoring a book about what he terms "spiritual wealth". Enjoy a great conversation that challenges our perspectives on wealth, generosity, and work.
What is Faith Ventures Podcast?
Faith Ventures is about telling stories of Christians doing business for the glory of God. The virtue of market-driven work that serves other people is part of God’s design, and thus we should care about the principles of individual liberty that make that possible.
This podcast inspires listeners to realize how their faith in Jesus affects everything around us, including our work in the marketplace.