The Usable Past with Marie Nahikian

The Usable Past explores past stories that inform the present. Brooklyn Underhill Stories are about life on Underhill Avenue & Eastern Parkway including black artists, entrepreneurs, a changing community. A black Brooklyn woman becomes an international circus star.

Show Notes

Susan is an aerial artist, dancer and choreographer, an international circus star, a black woman who went to Brooklyn public schools, graduated from Stanford University and worked on the human genome project. Then she went to Paris.  

What is The Usable Past with Marie Nahikian?

Veteran community organizer Marie Nahikian hosts The Usable Past, where activists share their stories of past and present organizing for better housing, food, banks, jobs, environmental and social justice. A Brooklyn resident, Marie most recently worked with U.S. Housing & Urban Development under President Obama and has participated in building 5,000 affordable homes in Washington, DC, Philadelphia, and New York. Marie has been a neighborhood, civil rights, housing and labor organizer, a community journalist, and in 1977 was a founder of WPFW-FM Pacifica radio in Washington, DC.