
It isn’t always easy to believe you can make a change. Immaculate Mutebi, of New York City, has challenged that disbelief many times. In today’s episode, we discuss how chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo helped her use obstacles in her family, workplace and housing to deepen her conviction in the power of her life.
On Attaining Buddhahood in This Lifetime: SGI President Ikeda’s Lecture Series, p. 38.
A Foundation for Your Life: Essentials of Nichiren's Writings for Young Women, p.198.
Discussions on Youth, pp. 298–99.
Cheat Sheet:
03:58 Immaculate joins her first Buddhist meeting
09:41 Chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo for an impossible family goal
19:28 Feeling dis-empowered to change her work environment
27:45 A Buddhist friend reminds Immaculate of her potential
36:48 Finding her dream apartment

What is Buddhability?

The reality is, we’re already enlightened. It’s only as we face obstacles, stress and our own messiness that we start to forget it. This is a show about how to believe in yourself again, told by a community of Buddhists doing it every day, and changing the world along the way. Hosted by Cassidy Bradford, each week you’ll hear an honest conversation about real life and how to tap into your Buddhability. From relationships and dream jobs to lessons from psychology and activism, subscribe to Buddhability on Apple, Spotify, or wherever you get podcasts so you never miss an episode. For more stories, tips on practicing SGI Nichiren Buddhism, and our newsletter, visit www.buddhability.org.