The Social Housing Podcast

Do we have a “Pandemic of Disrepair?” 🤔

Over the last few months, there have been an increasing number of TV programs criticising the sector on the state of repairs and prevalence of disrepair claims.

But what is the 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐋 picture?

i.e. not the “mass-media” picture but the picture from those who’re actually on the ground dealing with the reality of the situation.

Well, for this week's episode of The Social Housing Podcast - we’ve brought on someone who knows that ‘reality’ better than anyone else.

Russell Thompson FCIOB, Managing Director of Places Management at Places for People.

During the conversation, Lewis Murray & Russell Thompson discussed:

✅ The effect lockdown has had on repairs and “the repair lag” that it’s created.

✅ The ‘fabric first approach’

✅ Competing priorities; the need to build new homes as well as renovate old stock and achieve the Government's net zero and zero carbon targets.

What is The Social Housing Podcast?

The Social Housing Podcast will be a series of interviews with thought leaders in the Social Housing industry, providing them an exclusive platform to speak about topics important to them, while shaping the conversation around landlords and tenants.