Miss Findependent

In this episode of the Miss Findependent Podcast, join me as I reflect on the challenges and triumphs of the past year, marked by the loss of my grandfather. From Dima's powerful journey, we delve into essential financial lessons, navigating the intricate process of managing finances after a loved one's passing, and uncovering the keys to generational wealth.

My grandfather was my financial guru. He was the first person who taught me to invest and I take some time to share how his life has impacted mine. He was a resilient man born in post-World War II Russia, overcame immense adversity, losing his career and personal brand during a turbulent time. His journey, from a physicist to a self-taught coder and eventually a wise investor, left an indelible mark on my financial mindset. Join me as I share his inspiring story, emphasizing the power of starting anew at any stage in life.

Drawing on Dima's legacy, I delve into essential financial lessons, including the importance of early investment planning. Discover how Dima's foresight and strategic financial decisions allowed me to graduate debt-free and purchase my first home. From his practical approach to life to his wise investment strategies, Dima's influence shaped my perspective on generational wealth.

As the episode unfolds, I guide you through the intricate process of handling finances after a loved one's passing. Explore the critical documents needed, navigate through legal and tax considerations, and gain insights into probate taxes and estate planning. Whether you're a parent considering an RESP or someone facing the complexities of managing an estate, this episode provides valuable information and actionable advice.

What is Miss Findependent?

Teaching women financial literacy, and helping them be more confident investors, entrepreneurs or go further in their careers.