Live Your Heart Out with Conni Biesalski

On this episode of Live Your Heart Out, I interview Suki Zoe, colon hydrotherapist, food coach, and passionate photographer.

Suki has been performing colonic hydrotherapy for over 20 years, clocking almost 18,000 hours on the job. This practice helps both your gut and overall health.

Show Notes

On this episode of Live Your Heart Out, I interview Suki Zoe, colon hydrotherapist, food coach, and passionate photographer.

Suki has been performing colonic hydrotherapy for over 20 years, clocking almost 18,000 hours on the job. It’s actually not a gross job at all but is one she kind of fell into. Suki is also a trained artist and still makes beautiful artwork.

You can find out more about Suki’s colonic hydrotherapy business on her website, The Colon Whisperer, and her artwork over on Suki Zoe Photography.

In this episode, you’ll find out:

  • How Suki accidentally became a colon hydrotherapist after having her first colonic in 1997.
  • Why she felt compelled to have that first, life-changing colonic.
  • Why she has two diets - summer and winter - and how they differ.
  • What we can do to get more in touch with our gut.
  • How using an enema and performing self practice is the first step to colon health. Suki also gives her best tips for using an enema for the first time.
  • What the difference is between enemas and colonics.
  • What it’s like to poop on a table in front of someone else.
  • What diseases have been linked to colon health.
  • Why people get colonics and what health benefits there are.
  • How often you should get a colonic.
  • How to begin transitioning to a healthier lifestyle and what to avoid.
  • Why it’s so hard to quit sugar.
  • What the best way to start a fast or detox at home is.
  • Why it’s best to go through retreats and detoxes with a friend.

We touch on some really important messages:

  • The body is one system, what we put in has an impact on everything.
  • Just because your body’s surviving doesn’t mean it’s thriving.
  • You’re better off having a steamed sweet potato than a raw dessert.

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Love ya,


What is Live Your Heart Out with Conni Biesalski?

The Live Your Heart Out Podcast is all about personal growth and lifestyle design for wild hearts, soulpreneurs and change-makers. It is a deep dive into the exploration of what it means to live a meaningful life. Conni Biesalski is a queer creative entrepreneur, blogger, YouTuber, vegan Yogi and digital nomad. Her mission is to show people that it is safe to be themselves.
The show features a mix of solo musings in Conni's raw+real, unplugged style as well as interviews with inspiring humans. Topics include personal development, raising consciousness, plant-based health, creativity, entrepreneurship, LGBTQ issues, holistic living, relationships, sex..all the good stuff!
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