Robservations with Rob Liefeld

In the world of publishing, DC Comics has been the hot button topic of 2020! The year kicked off with the surprise firing of Publisher Dan Didio, an abrupt restructuring of DC under new owner AT&T followed. On top of it all, they drastically altered the distribution of their comics to consumers. Now in the face of new layoffs, rumors swirl as to the questionable future of publishing at the storied home of Batman, Superman & Wonder Woman. The future of DC is on the minds of fans and retailers alike, Rob and returning guest Jimmy Jay break down the controversial moves and the decades long road that led to DC’s Dilemma!

Show Notes

In the world of publishing, DC Comics has been the hot button topic of 2020! The year kicked off with the surprise firing of Publisher Dan Didio, an abrupt restructuring of DC under new owner AT&T followed.  On top of it all, they drastically altered the distribution of their comics to consumers. Now in the face of new layoffs, rumors swirl as to the questionable future of publishing at the storied home of Batman, Superman & Wonder Woman. The future of DC is on the minds of fans and retailers alike, Rob and returning guest Jimmy Jay break down the controversial moves and the decades long road that led to DC’s Dilemma! 

What is Robservations with Rob Liefeld?

Robservations is the new podcast by Comic Book Legend Rob Liefeld which exists to explore and celebrate comic books as an art form and their tremendous impact on the culture.