Exponential Groups Podcast with Allen White

Exponential Groups Podcast with Allen White Trailer Bonus Episode 15 Season 1

Lance Witt on Staying Healthy in the Ministry and Measuring What Matters in Ministry

Lance Witt on Staying Healthy in the Ministry and Measuring What Matters in MinistryLance Witt on Staying Healthy in the Ministry and Measuring What Matters in Ministry


In this episode, Lance and Allen discuss the relationship between numbers and success in ministry. For some Easter attendance was a disappointment, so what does that say about the pastor? Beyond that how do pastors stay healthy and motivated in ministry and avoid crashing and burning. Lance gives helpful advice on managing yourself and caring for your sole.

Lance is the founder of REPLENISH ministries. Replenish is dedicated to helping people in ministry live and lead from a healthy soul. Along with speaking and consulting Lance does Life Plans, individual life coaching, and team development. Lance has a brand new book called Your ONE Life: Own it, Live it, Love it. He is also the author of Replenish and High Impact Teams. Lance served 20 years as a senior pastor before serving 7 years as an Executive/ Teaching pastor at Saddleback Church in Southern California. He led Saddleback’s Spiritual Growth Campaigns, such as 40 Days of Purpose and 40 Days of Community.

Lance has been married to his wife Connie for 43 years and they have two married children and four beautiful granddaughters.

Show Notes

In this episode, Lance and Allen discuss the relationship between numbers and success in ministry. For some Easter attendance was a disappointment, so what does that say about the pastor? Beyond that how do pastors stay healthy and motivated in ministry and avoid crashing and burning. Lance gives helpful advice on managing yourself and caring for your sole.
Lance is the founder of REPLENISH ministries. Replenish is dedicated to helping people in ministry live and lead from a healthy soul. Along with speaking and consulting Lance does Life Plans, individual life coaching, and team development.  Lance has a brand new book called Your ONE Life: Own it, Live it, Love it.  He is also the author of Replenish and High Impact Teams. Lance served 20 years as a senior pastor before serving 7 years as an Executive/ Teaching pastor at Saddleback Church in Southern California. He led Saddleback’s Spiritual Growth Campaigns, such as 40 Days of Purpose and 40 Days of Community.
 Lance has been married to his wife Connie for 43 years and they have two married children and four beautiful granddaughters. 

What is Exponential Groups Podcast with Allen White?

In each episode you will discover effective ways to recruit more leaders, form better groups, and make more disciples. Guests to this monthly podcast will include small group and discipleship experts like Carl George, Dr. Warren Bird, Steve Gladen, Mark Howell, Dr. Bill Donahue, Bill Willits, Chris Surratt, as well as some pastors you've never heard of who are doing some amazing things with small groups and discipleship.