RiseUp - Live Joy Your Way

Let’s talk about conscious parenting. It is very common to go through a rollercoaster of emotions when trying to raise your child, especially if you’re a first time parent. Sometimes we lose our cool and we don’t always react appropriately to a situation.    Kamini recently witnessed a father completely lose his cool and berate his daughter for walking off and out of sight. It can be scary to lose your child! However, this father was screaming at his 5-year-old daughter and it brought up some very uneasy feelings at how young this child was to be receiving this level of treatment.    The father even said at one point, “Name all the ways you were bad today.” Wow! It can be easy to judge, but this is how moments like this get internalized for children and carried into adulthood. This was very shaming language to use and not a great way to treat another person, much less a developing child.    It was obvious the father was in a dysregulated state due to something frightening occurring, but it is our jobs as parents to control ourselves and communicate to the best of our ability. If we are in this state, it’s important to recognize it and take time for ourselves to calm down, and then we can parent from an empowered and conscious state.  Continue Your Growth Journey: Kaminiwood.com  

Show Notes

Let’s talk about conscious parenting. It is very common to go through a rollercoaster of emotions when trying to raise your child, especially if you’re a first time parent. Sometimes we lose our cool and we don’t always react appropriately to a situation. 


Kamini recently witnessed a father completely lose his cool and berate his daughter for walking off and out of sight. It can be scary to lose your child! However, this father was screaming at his 5-year-old daughter and it brought up some very uneasy feelings at how young this child was to be receiving this level of treatment. 


The father even said at one point, “Name all the ways you were bad today.” Wow! It can be easy to judge, but this is how moments like this get internalized for children and carried into adulthood. This was very shaming language to use and not a great way to treat another person, much less a developing child. 


It was obvious the father was in a dysregulated state due to something frightening occurring, but it is our jobs as parents to control ourselves and communicate to the best of our ability. If we are in this state, it’s important to recognize it and take time for ourselves to calm down, and then we can parent from an empowered and conscious state. 

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What is RiseUp - Live Joy Your Way?

Kamini Wood works with high achievers on letting go of stress, overwhelm and anxiety that comes with trying to do everything, and trying to do it all perfectly