The Ten Thousand Things

Boundaries / The idea of your mother is not your mother / That's facts - the magical vagina and the song of the magical penis
1. Boundaries, romantic fiascos, anxious attachment. Why do I wonder if I'm real while waiting for a reply? Texting too much. Getting in touch with exes when there's nothing to discuss. School of Life: Can Exes Be Friends? Thinking you're the good guy, but the motives are all wrong. Every Time the Sun Comes Up (I'm in trouble): Sharon Van Etten 
Stopping as much dishonesty with yourself and others as you can, is one of the keys to recovering from addiction and regaining control of yourself and life. Yes, Woolworths are crooks but you can't live by their ethics. They do own a lot of pokies and that is theft also. But quitting petty theft and fare evasion, very good for you. GetUp! Woolworths campaign
2. The idea of your mother is not your mother. Can't find the source of this quote, but I read some psychology articles. Some people have mean mothers which is very bad for you. Some have difficult mothers, a challenge into adulthood. The dismissive mother can be hard to get over. Mummy Issues article is a good summary. Role playing and therapy can help couples get past mum issues and work as a team rather than isolated individuals
Gregory Batesom wikipedia The map is not the territory, and the name is not the thing named / Finally, in the dim region where art, magic, and religion meet and overlap, human beings have evolved the “metaphor that is meant,” the flag which men will die to save, and the sacrament that is felt to be more than “an outward and visible sign, given unto us.” Here we can recognize an attempt to deny the difference between map and territory, and to get back to the absolute innocence of communication by means of pure mood-signs." Bateson wikiquote
Joe's word portraits of extras. Can you meditate with aliens, and turn your ASD and ADD into powers? Can we handle the full reality of all others? Bodhisattva can
Jung on Love/Relationships a spiritual path for the 21st century and Individuation in Marriage Through Wounding and Healing / Marriage, life’s greatest intimacy, paradoxically delivers both wounding and healing and challenges to the full our capacities for self-acceptance and self-giving. In this lecture, Dr. Stein examines the mysteries and dynamics of married life."
Tool - Sober
Photo by Phil Hearing


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Show Notes

Boundaries / The idea of your mother is not your mother / That's facts - the magical vagina and the song of the magical penis
1. Boundaries, romantic fiascos, anxious attachment. Why do I wonder if I'm real while waiting for a reply? Texting too much. Getting in touch with exes when there's nothing to discuss. School of Life: Can Exes Be Friends? Thinking you're the good guy, but the motives are all wrong. Every Time the Sun Comes Up (I'm in trouble): Sharon Van Etten 
Stopping as much dishonesty with yourself and others as you can, is one of the keys to recovering from addiction and regaining control of yourself and life. Yes, Woolworths are crooks but you can't live by their ethics. They do own a lot of pokies and that is theft also. But quitting petty theft and fare evasion, very good for you. GetUp! Woolworths campaign
2. The idea of your mother is not your mother. Can't find the source of this quote, but I read some psychology articles. Some people have mean mothers which is very bad for you. Some have difficult mothers, a challenge into adulthood. The dismissive mother can be hard to get over. Mummy Issues article is a good summary. Role playing and therapy can help couples get past mum issues and work as a team rather than isolated individuals
Gregory Batesom wikipedia The map is not the territory, and the name is not the thing named / Finally, in the dim region where art, magic, and religion meet and overlap, human beings have evolved the “metaphor that is meant,” the flag which men will die to save, and the sacrament that is felt to be more than “an outward and visible sign, given unto us.” Here we can recognize an attempt to deny the difference between map and territory, and to get back to the absolute innocence of communication by means of pure mood-signs." Bateson wikiquote
Joe's word portraits of extras. Can you meditate with aliens, and turn your ASD and ADD into powers? Can we handle the full reality of all others? Bodhisattva can
Jung on Love/Relationships a spiritual path for the 21st century and Individuation in Marriage Through Wounding and Healing / Marriage, life’s greatest intimacy, paradoxically delivers both wounding and healing and challenges to the full our capacities for self-acceptance and self-giving. In this lecture, Dr. Stein examines the mysteries and dynamics of married life."
Tool - Sober
Hit us up on threads or instagram @thetenthousandthings
or email, that’s the classy thing to do
Photo by Phil Hearing 

Creators & Guests

Joe Loh
Film crew guy and mental health care worker with aspirations of being a small town intellectual one day.
Sam Ellis
Teacher/father/leftist loonie/raised hare Krishna and have never quite renounced it - "I just have one more thing to say, then I’ll let you speak"

What is The Ten Thousand Things?

Sometimes deep, often amusing, therapeutic chats touching on philosophy, spirituality, religion, consciousness, culture, music, dating, and life. Join Sam, Joe and Ali as they discuss the 10,000 illusions that make up “reality”.

Musical theme by Ehsan Gelsi - Ephemera (Live at Melbourne Town Hall)