Unprocessed by I Quit Sugar

Often overshadowed by the more well-known endometriosis, adenomyosis is a condition that brings a double dose of trouble to its sufferers. They face not only the usual dismissal and underestimation of their pain but also a higher rate of misdiagnosis.

Given the lack of awareness and education around it, you might think adenomyosis is rare. However, it affects about 1 in 5 women. So why is it so poorly understood? The answer lies in insufficient education and a lack of research on the subject.

This is why I sat down with Anna, who has been navigating this condition since her teens and is now witnessing her daughter endure the same symptoms. In our conversation, Anna candidly shares the challenging journey to get a diagnosis and her hopes for the future—that her daughter won't have to experience the same painful path.

Read more here: https://iquitsugar.com/blogs/articles/adenomyosis-the-reproductive-disease-you-ve-never-heard-of

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What is Unprocessed by I Quit Sugar?

I Quit Sugar are bringing you an 8 episode series where we interview some incredible people who have so much wisdom to share on different areas of health and wellbeing. It’s our hope these conversations inspire you to take control of your health and live your fullest live in the process.