STEM Heroes

Welcome to the STEM Heroes Podcast, hosted by David Young! In this trailer, David gives an overview of what to expect from the podcast, including interviews with STEM innovators, inspiring stories from classrooms, and insights into teaching technologies like drones and robotics.

The podcast features discussions with teachers, students, administrators, and anyone connected to STEM education. David shares experiences from his company, Drone Launch Academy, which offers courses in drone technology and FAA exam prep.

Listeners can look forward to inspiring stories of students' achievements, funding opportunities for STEM programs, and practical advice for implementing STEM education. Each episode provides valuable resources and encourages exploration of new career paths in STEM fields.

The first episode premieres on May 21st, 2024, with subsequent episodes released weekly. Don't miss out on this engaging and informative podcast for educators, students, and STEM enthusiasts!

Subscribe now and join us on this journey of discovery and inspiration in STEM education.

What is STEM Heroes?

Welcome to STEM Heroes, where we dive deep into the world of education, technology, and innovation.
Join us as we interview educators and STEM experts who are shaping the future with drones, robots, and cutting-edge technology.
Our goal is to showcase the endless possibilities that STEM offers for students, highlighting their achievements, success stories, and the exciting opportunities that lie ahead.

In each episode, we engage in casual conversations with our guests, exploring their backgrounds in education, what inspired them to focus on projects involving drones, robotics, or other STEM areas, and the most memorable STEM projects their students have worked on.
We also delve into the challenges they've faced in implementing STEM initiatives, how they overcame them, and the resources and tools they find most helpful for teaching STEM effectively.

Through our discussions, we uncover how educators integrate real-world applications and industry knowledge into their STEM curriculum, offering valuable insights and advice for fellow educators looking to incorporate more hands-on STEM experiences. We also discuss the future of STEM education, particularly in relation to drones, robotics, and emerging technologies, envisioning a world where students are empowered to become the next generation of STEM leaders.

Join us on STEM Heroes as we celebrate the heroes of STEM education and inspire the innovators of tomorrow!