KiDs Beach Club® Podcast: giving every preteen boy and girl a Jesus experience.

Join us for this special reunion episode where we visit with volunteers from the inaugural Beach Club®: Denise Campbell, Dorothy Smith, Nora Kirkland, Barbara Cox, and Michelle Gregory. Exactly 20 years ago this spring, these individuals chartered new territory and were tremendously used by God to launch the inaugural Beach Club®. We recently all gathered together for a time of reflection and praise to God for all He has accomplished through KiDs Beach Club® in the last 20 years, starting first with them and their willingness to be used!

What is KiDs Beach Club® Podcast: giving every preteen boy and girl a Jesus experience.?

At KiDs Beach Club®, our goal is to provide every preteen boy and girl a Jesus experience. Our podcast episodes will feature like-minded individuals, ministry partners, and other influencers whose desire is to reach preteens with the Gospel. Listen in as we highlight partners in ministry and some great movers and shakers who are doing amazing things to reach preteens!