How You Spend Your Days

This week I have the pleasure of speaking with Katharine Schweitzer about how Dave Ramsey's methods and books helped her move away from the stresses of living paycheck to paycheck.

Show Notes

This week I have the pleasure of speaking with Katharine Schweitzer about how Dave Ramsey’s methods and books helped her move away from the stresses of living paycheck to paycheck.

From a discretionary spending perspective, Katharine and I share the same largest expense category, food & drink. We discuss how she used Mint to reign in her spending and move to her own spreadsheet tracking system to track her discretionary spending on a monthly basis instead of on a category basis.

Finally, we touch on how money can affect relationships and how creating a system with your partner can help to share expectations, avoid conflict around money and save toward shared goals.

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Our Guest This Week

Katharine Schweitzer

What is How You Spend Your Days?

Candid conversations about debt, the stigma around money and follow Colin's journey toward debt freedom. Hosted by Colin Loretz.