The Jet Streamer Podcast

It's a bit of an odd thing to say, isn't it? Especially for a guy who's trying to make a living from people doing podcasts. But there are some good reasons why not to start a podcast. Luckily, however, there are some good reasons why you should. This...

Show Notes

It's a bit of an odd thing to say, isn't it? Especially for a guy who's trying to make a living from people doing podcasts. But there are some good reasons why not to start a podcast.

Luckily, however, there are some good reasons why you should.

This episode touches on the current state of the podcasting industry, monetising your podcast, "making it big" in the podcasting industry, and what podcasting can give you that no other form of digital content can.

Check out this week's podcast recommendation: Cariad Lloyd's Griefcast.

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What is The Jet Streamer Podcast?

Starting a podcast to promote yourself, or your brand? Come with us on a journey to discover how you can create engaging, educational audio content that will take your business to the world.