Closer to Christ

Being in a place of leadership—even in the church--is challenging. A congregation is made up of diverse people: different backgrounds, personalities, preferences--different lenses through which we see the world. There is no way that church leaders can make every member happy all the time. Leadership in the church is to one degree or another a ministry of love offered above and beyond an already busy life with multiple commitments. Whether we always agree with decisions made by our church leaders, their work is a blessing to us as their work with the Word of God promotes a healthy church. Today the apostle Paul calls us to respect, honor, celebrate and care for our leaders. What do we need to repent of and change in ourselves to do this better? How can we be a greater source of encouragement and support for those who give so much of themselves to build a church environment that ministers the best it can to the needs of individuals, families and our community?

What is Closer to Christ?

Messages from St Paul's Lutheran Church and the Bridge in Muskego, WI