Animal Matters

Dr. Heather Hendrickson is a Senior Lecturer in Molecular Bioscience at Massey University, and the Vice Preseident of the New Zealand Micro Biological Society. In short, Dr. Hendrickson is an expert in micro biology, like bacteria, and how we treat that bacteria with antibiotics.

You’ve probably heard the phrase 'antibiotic resistance' at least once, but perhaps don’t quite know what it means. Antibiotics are amazing, nothing short of a medical marvel, but their overuse and misuse is putting their effectiveness at risk, to the point where we might one day lose them. Their overuse is widespread as well. It’s not only humans who are overusing antibiotics, but also animals. Specifically, farmed animals.

What is Animal Matters?

Animal rights in Aotearoa New Zealand. Animal Matters is SAFE's podcast about all things animal rights and the issues impacting animals in Aotearoa. Will Appelbe and Courtney White discuss the latest current affairs impacting animals, the decisions of policymakers and government, and the complexities that surround the exploitation of animals.