Texas Agriculture Today

*This was a good year for agriculture in Brown County.  

*A group of lawmakers, including six from Texas, is urging President Trump to pursue trade agreements that boost cotton exports.  

*USDA is allocating emergency funding to protect the U.S. cattle industry from screwworms.

*What kind of year has it been for cattle feeders in the Texas High Plains?  

*Farmers may be getting a Christmas present from Congress.  Jessica Domel tells what’s in the package…

*Texas cotton farmers will have some new varieties to plant in 2025.  

*Cattle vaccines must contain the correct strain of the disease producing organism.  

What is Texas Agriculture Today?

Texas Ag Today is a daily look at the latest news in Texas agriculture, hosted by veteran farm broadcaster Carey Martin along with the largest and most experienced farm news team in the Lone Star State. We cover agriculture in every corner of Texas, from the piney woods of East Texas to the rocky ranges of the Trans-Pecos and from the Panhandle to the Rio Grande Valley.