Community x Capital

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What is Community x Capital?

If money is what makes the world go around, it's community that keeps it turning.

There are two things that are foundational to the human experience. One is capital and the other is community.

Alexis Ohanian is a long-time champion of creators. Now, everything is community. If companies don't have a community strategy, they better get one. Because community-led companies are the future - and community can create a competitive advantage.

Michael Sidgmore is a long-time believer in democratizing access to financial services. Now, everything is FinTech. If companies can't figure out how to offer financial services products on platform, then they may lose out on keeping their customers or creators.

Many of the most interesting companies and investments of the future - whether they be sports cards, sports and esports teams, musicians / artists, creators, crypto, startups - are a result of the merging of culture x finance, a collision of Community x Capital.

We are excited to share our conversations on this topic with you because we believe that the next decade will be defined by Community x Capital.