I Made a Thing

How do we make decisions? Is decision making harder for women in small business? How does decision making impact your success?

Show Notes


Is decision making harder for women in small business?

How does decision making impact your success? 

“Being willing to say no, I can't actually help you with that decision is really important. Sometimes it's really hard to do because we want to help people with everything. We want to know it all and make them happy and solve all their problems. And we can't, we have to push back, whether that's an advice or skill thing or simply because they need to develop that skill and work on it.”

- Sophia Colquhoun

Topics discussed in this episode:

  • What is decision making? 
  • What weird beliefs impact our decision making?
  • How does decision-making fatigue affect you?
  • Is structured decision making or gut feelings key to decision making? 
  • Should we use logic or emotion to make decisions?
  • What is the impact of poor decision making? Is it holding us back? 
  • Practical tips for better decision making. 

“You could give me any crazy decision in the world and I'll do my own research,  use my gut feels and I would make decisions and stand there with confidence. But then I realized that I didn't actually have to do all of these things alone”

- Rachel Kurzyp

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Speak soon,
Rachel + Sophia 

What is I Made a Thing?

A podcast for business owners who don't believe in cheat sheets

I Made a Thing started in Season 1 as a collaboration between Rachel Kurzyp and Sophia Colquhoun. Season 2 sees Sophia interview businesswomen to find out how they are carving their own path in business and life.

We discuss topics that impact small business owners and creatives in a fresh, honest, practical and evidence-based way.

Each podcast will unpack your assumptions, push you to look introspectively, supply you with practical advice and leave you feeling like you’ve got this.

You went into business to do things differently. That’s why we’re here to help you carve your business path (cheat sheets not included).