A fun gathering with Violet Vonder Haar, a music teacher, singer-songwriter and community leader. She joins my songwriting group and gives us a break-down of her self-imposed songwriting challenge: 30 songs in 30 days! Listen as she performs two of these original songs, “Ghost on This Street” and “The Introvert’s Lament”.
Nobody waves hello anymore
We just walk down the sidewalk and try to ignore
What is clearly happening right under our feet
Is it just me or is there a ghost on this street?
-Registration now open for Anne’s signature 6-Week Online Songwriting Group Program, get writing again! https://www.annesibley.com/work-with-me Set up a consultation call right away if you are interested in applying, space is limited!
Don't forget to follow the Podcast wherever you listen and not miss the next episode!
@violet__sings and @violetandtheundercurrents
Facebook at @violetvonderhaar and @violetandtheundercurrents
Thank you to our SPONSORS:
If we are writing from an authentic place, sometimes our songs will sound the same, that is okay.
Varying dropped tunings is one way Violet uses to vary what she’s performing
Our songwriting process can evolve
Life creates art and art creates life!
Songwriting is a conversation between two voices (you and your instrument!)
Songwriting is a fun adventure, a mystery of letting the song come through you
We are so hard on ourselves, would I speak to another person like this? I wouldn’t.
It’s a process and a practice and they don’t all have to be hits!
Two things you need to write a song: An audience and a deadline!