Chris Waddell's Nametags Chat Podcast

Two-time Paralympian in CP Soccer Eli Wolff led the effort in 2019 for Major League Baseball to change the "disabled list" to the "injured list." What's in the word change? For people with disabilities, it's the difference between being in the game and out of the game. A disability doesn't preclude you from playing and contributing, while an injury might. Eli's work focuses on the intersection of research, policy and practice to advance sport and human rights, development and social change. He's moving the needle for all people.

What is Chris Waddell's Nametags Chat Podcast?

Those who face the greatest adversity tell the most enlightening stories. Hall of Fame Paralympic athlete, the first “nearly unassisted” paraplegic to summit Mt Kilimanjaro and the founder of One Revolution Foundation Chris Waddell chats with members of the adaptive community regarding some of life’s most enduring questions: am I a victim or a survivor, is the situation overwhelming or a challenge, am I alone or part of a team and do I have one strategy or many? One Revolution’s Nametags Educational Program provides a jumping off point for people who live a life of courage, fulfilment and purpose that defies many.