Mission Forge

Do them this week and no cost to you. Taking nothing but time, be sure you are fine tuned as we finish 2022 and get ready to start 2023.

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10 FAST and FREE  things to do between now and 1/1/23 to start the hear on the right foot~START NOW!

Review all profiles to ensure they are up to date with current content, best recent picture, most recent bio. 

Comb CRM for deletions, additions, updates.  Make a point to add more than you think you can.

Look at all of your social platforms and make sure they reflect your personal brand image (business pages) and also are current with a recent post.  

Make an appointment with your broker to map out your 2023 business plan.

Unsubscribe to 20 annoying emails.

On paper, list your 3 most important/essential/vital business activities.

On paper, list your 3 biggest distractions from those activities.

Scan your text messages back as far as they go and look for dropped conversations that can be rekindled, old friends who need to hear from you, past clients or prospects who you need to say HI to.

Start gathering closing CDs and HUDs from 2022 to send to clients in January (in advance of tax season)

Map your 2023 by adding important dates to your calendar now, ie. Tax deadlines, important meetings (such as RE/MAX Capital office meeting 1/5 at 1030am), training sessions, travel plans, personal events.

#11  Bonus.  Decide what you want to achieve in 2023. Break down your needs and build up your income thoughts.  Develop a mantra you can repeat throughout the day.  IT IS UNNACCEPTABLE FOR ME TO CLOSE FEWER THAN ____ TRANSACTIONS.   Or  IT IS UNACCEPTABLE FOR MY BUSINESS TO EARN LESS THAN $________. 

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Welcome to Mission Forge where we engage one another, empower each other, and elevate the real estate world around us.