
Join Snoop Dogg and Mike Tirico (aka Cody and Dan) as they take a break from the Olympics to interview Flagstaffian Meg Kabotie Adakai.  Meg is the mom of two beautiful children. She's an educator, she's an artist, and she's a lover of nature and community. She earend a most prestigious degree from THE Northern Arizona University. Her degree is in Biomedical Science and Psychology. Meg comes from a line of Hopi artists on her father’s side, whose work can be found throughout Northern Arizona and the world. She is a board member of Flagstaff Foodlink and the Indigenous Circle of Flagstaff, and serves on the Indigenous People’s Advisory Council of Coconino County. She currently manages Flagstaff Mountain Town Markets, and teaches children about nature and community.  This episode covers some of Meg’s conenction to the land and the people of the surrounding areas, her approach and goals in creating the FLG Mountain Town Markets, and how the market has unfolded thus far, including what she sees going forward.  Let's go #beyondFLG with Meg Kabotie Adakai. 

Before the episode begins, Sydney Rittershaus shares about some great things happening in the community and how you can get involved. We’ll also have links for these attached to the show notes. 

Information from Sydney Rittershaus:
Volunteer map:https://storymaps.arcgis.com/stories/ac3a92e029b0462e819fe0319248525b
Flagstaff Foodlink Website:https://flagstafffoodlink.com/
Just Cultivation Coalition Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/just_cultivation_coalition/
Sydney Rittershaus, Co-founder of Just Cultivation Coalition, Farm Programs Coordinator at Townsite Urban Farm, & Board Member of Flagstaff Foodlinksyd.rittershaus@gmail.com

What is #beyondFLG?

Flagstaff is a remarkable place full or remarkable people. Some may even say that Flagstaff is the best place on Earth and some may say that such a statement is hyperbolic. Either way, there is no other place exactly like it, and that includes the people that contribute to it. Flagstaff is full of people with diverse backgrounds that possess a wide range of interests, skills, and stories. This variety of interests, skills, and stories contributes to the textured and unique feel of the area.

#BeyondFLG is a podcast aimed at highlighting the natural beauty of this region and the peoples that contribute to it. Some may describe this podcast as award winning based on the badges given to it through the podcast platform while others may say that the show is underproduced and overstated. #beyondFLG is hosted by two local psychologists and founders of Beyond the Pines, A Flagstaff Wellness Collective; Cody Bayles and Dan Phillips. Their values lie in promoting connection to self, others, and the natural world and their efforts occasionally hit somewhere near that mark, let’s say adjacent to it. Join them as they go #beyondFLG with members of the Flagstaff community and explore the overall connection to the area, their craft, and others.