The Grove Church / Dallas, Texas

Tongues of fire?! Violent wind?! If you've never celebrated Pentecost before, it is a special day on the church calendar that marks the official end of the Easter season and the birth of the church itself.

This Sunday, we celebrate a famous scene in the book of Acts when the Holy Spirit fills the disciples with the power to bring heaven on earth. That legacy lives on in us-- the church! As followers of Jesus, we too have the Holy Spirit within us, empowering us to bring the kingdom of God here, right now, in our homes, our workplaces, and our lives.

What is The Grove Church / Dallas, Texas?

The Grove Church is a neighborhood church located in Dallas, TX. We love the imagery of coming together as a community and being the group of 'fruit-bearing trees' that Jeremiah writes about in the Old Testament (see Jeremiah 17:7-8). Our vision for The Grove is to become a church that lives out its faith in tangible ways, intentionally creating environments that gather people together, grow them closer to God, and give back to our neighbors. This podcast is our audio versions of live sermons preached every Sunday online and in-person.