UAB Green and Told

This week, we will celebrate Thanksgiving across the United States and that means food. A lot of food! Many of us indulge ourselves with sweet potatoes, pecan pie, and the centerpiece of most Thanksgiving meals, turkey. On this episode of UAB Green and Told we sit down with Dr. Suzanne Judd to discuss diets and your health. Tis the season, right?

Show Notes

Dr. Suzanne Judd
Director, Lister Hill Center for Health Policy
Professor, School of Public health

More Information
Scholars Profile
ABC News - Southern diet sends stroke risk soaring: Study
CBS News - 5 dietary patterns most Americans fit into
REGARDS: Dietary patterns based on demographics identified in US adults

What is UAB Green and Told?

UAB Green & Told is a biweekly podcast that shares the stories from members of the UAB community. Through Green & Told, the UAB Office of Alumni Affairs will sit down with alumni, faculty, students and others. Hosted and produced by Greg Berry, Assistant Director of Communications and Governmental Relations, the podcast brings each guest's unique UAB perspective to those who listen in.