Traces of Victory

From Corporate Job to 100-Mile Runs at 60: How Dean Karnazes Found Freedom in Running

In today's episode of Traces of Victory, we sit down with the legend Dean Karnazes. Dean is a world-renowned ultramarathon runner and best-selling author.

He has completed some of the toughest endurance events on the planet, including running 50 marathons in 50 states in 50 days.

In this episode, we dive into Dean's journey to becoming a professional athlete and the lessons he's learned along the way. We also discuss his approach to goal-setting, his advice for those looking to find their own path in life, and much more.

What is Traces of Victory?

In the first season of "Traces of Victory," I want to embark on a journey to seek out inspiring individuals from all walks of life with different backgrounds and expertise who can help us answer some simple questions: How do you discover your road in life? These conversations will share the different roads these people took, their mistakes, and, more importantly, the myths they debunked.