*There is no sign of cattle herd rebuilding.
*The Texas Department of State Health Services is beginning the oral rabies vaccine air drop this week.
*The American Lamb Board is hosting a sheep grazing workshop in Texas in May.
*The Pioneer crop production clinics are begin held around the Texas Panhandle.
*We now know more about what House and Senate leadership hope to accomplish in the new Congress.
*The beef industry is working to advance sustainability in the supply chain.
*With the variable weather conditions we had during hay season last year, producers should keep an eye out for nitrate toxicity and prussic acid poisoning.
* Managing insulin resistance in horses is a big challenge.
What is Texas Agriculture Today?
Texas Ag Today is a daily look at the latest news in Texas agriculture, hosted by veteran farm broadcaster Carey Martin along with the largest and most experienced farm news team in the Lone Star State. We cover agriculture in every corner of Texas, from the piney woods of East Texas to the rocky ranges of the Trans-Pecos and from the Panhandle to the Rio Grande Valley.