The Recovery Warrior Shows

Food & body judgment from others can really throw you off in recovery. 

This is a challenge intimately understood by eating disorder survivor and popular content creator Amir Yass.

With an impressive 30 million views on Tik Tok, he's no stranger to comments and judgments when it comes to food, body, and his identity as a queer Muslim and LGBTQ+ activist.

Amir was raised in Orange County, California by his parents who immigrated from Iran. He also knows the impact that comments from parents can have, especially when coming from strong opinions based in different cultures.

Take a listen as he joins host Andrea Wells to share insights and practical steps on rising above outside noise around body and food from parents, peers, and the world at large. 

The 5 ways to quiet FOOD NOISE and BODY SHAME brought on by parents are:
  1. Education
  2. Communication
  3. Set Boundaries
  4. Seek Support From Others
  5. Engage in Self Care 

Show Notes: Feeling Judged? 5 ways to quiet FOOD NOISE and BODY SHAME brought on by parents





What is The Recovery Warrior Shows?

Real talk. Real insights. Real stories of recovery helping people stop fighting food and their body since 2012.

Welcome to Recovery Warriors podcast channel. Where many voices come together to share the one great journey to full eating disorder recovery.

With a unique lineup of shows, your food, body, and self-esteem struggles are covered from every angle. Balancing science and soul, we tell stories and share evidence-based research behind what it takes to recover from restriction, anorexia, bulimia, over-exercising, binge eating, chronic dieting and disordered eating. Not only that, we also cover the underlying trauma, limiting beliefs, and painful emotions that keep you trapped in cycles of feeling powerless and stuck.

It’s exhausting constantly thinking about food and worrying about your weight. You, dear warrior, don’t have to live like this. Together, let’s march forward into a future where you’re living, breathing proof that recovery is possible.