The Texas Hemp Show

Celebrating 4 years of covering TX Hemp products.  4:20

Russell talks for 4:20 exactly on what an
honor it is to be covering this plant here in our home state of Texas.
We celebrated 4 years this June

this week the Texas Hemp Reporter celebrated 4 years of covering the hemp industry of alternative recreational Hemp, Industrial Hemp, and alternative cannabinoids here in the Lone Star State. With a podcast show, magazine and news website, we've covered regulatory issues and culture of this amazing plant here in the Lone Star State. @texashempreporter 
txhempreporter #media #cannabis #together #hemp #printisnotdead 
#magazine #publishing 

What is The Texas Hemp Show ?

The Texas Hemp Show is the official podcast for the Texas Hemp Reporter Magazine: The Texas Hemp Show is recorded every Thursday at from 6 -7pm and is released each Friday. For news and the latest information on the growing Hemp & Cannabis industry in the Lone Star State subscribe to our magazine the Texas Hemp Reporter online and follow us wherever podcasts are available.