Director Showdown

Adam and Brent break down the final David Lean movie of the season and of his career, ‘A Passage to India’!

Show Notes

The guys get into Lean’s final movie and penultimate episode this season, 'A Passage to India', the subversions they didn’t expect and what does/doesn’t work in execution. Brent also gives some context on the British Raj and Indian independence, areas that he definitely knew before the episode and didn’t have to read about to know the modern context for this film! They also get into why movies like this can’t be made today and some exceptions to that rule. It’s the final movie of Lean’s career so thanks for sticking with us while we wrap things up for this season next episode!

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What is Director Showdown?

Director Showdown is an idea that came about after months of intense arguments between Brent Carroll and Adam Daufen about which famous director was better: Spielberg or Kubrick? From those arguments, season one was created. Each new season pits two new directors against each other, and every other week Adam and Brent get together to make their case - sometimes with help from guests.