The Fiscal Feminist

Financial plans aren’t just about preparing for retirement; they’re important steps to prepare you for any major life event. In this episode, Kimberlee talks with financial advisor and BPP Wealth Solutions Founder Debra Schtazki about the importance of financial planning. Debra also shares some real-life stories of women she has helped and explains how she’s built a flexible work environment that sets women up for success. 

Episode Recap:
  • Today we’re talking with wealth management professional Debra Schatzki (1:15)
  • What made you decide to write “Chaos to Joy?” (3:50)
  • Why are there so few women in financial advising, and what can we do about it? (5:58)
  • Greater flexibility can actually help you business (13:02)
  • Why is a financial plan so important pre-divorce? (21:20)
  • Once you’ve done the plan, you can ask for what you need with more confidence (29:14)
  • Can you share another case study from the book? (36:02)
  • What are the 3 most important things for women building their net worth? (41:02)
  • How to work with Debra (45:33)


“I think that there’s so much more value when we allow our employees to actually have the freedom of being there for milestones and being really part of their families and having a balanced life. It’s critical. And then when I created my own consulting firm in 2010, we don’t have to go into the office. I think two days a week is fine. And there were times, I had my hips replaced last year, I didn’t go into the office for three months. And you know what? We did great!”

“Luckily for your client, she had you to help her thread that needle. And what you gave her was advice for negotiation based on a financial plan. Yes, exactly. And what I gave her too was a voice. You know, I think that that’s our biggest problem — women more than men — is that we’re not taught how to really talk about money well. We’re not as educated yet about how to do plans and why plans are important. We’re getting there, I think women are signing up in faster percentages than men at this stage.”

Creators & Guests

Kimberlee Davis
Kimberlee Davis is founder of the Fiscal Feminist and a Partner and Managing Director in The Bahnsen Group, a wealth management practice with offices in Newport Beach, California and New York City. She is also a Certified Divorce Financial Analyst.
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What is The Fiscal Feminist?

Kimberlee Davis is your host of The Fiscal Feminist, a show about women and our relationship with money and finances. Kimberlee Davis is Managing Director and Partner at The Bahnsen Group, a private wealth management firm. She specializes in personal wealth advising and oversees financial and retirement planning solutions for high net worth individuals and multi-generational families. Her proficiency also includes helping individuals transition to financial independence after life altering events such as death or divorce.