The Founder's Journey Podcast

In this episode of The Founder's Journey Podcast, Jeff Olson, co-founder of Alta Planning and Design, (better known as the iconic brand, Citibike) and current founder of re:Charge-e, shares his entrepreneurial journey and the growth of his bike share company. 

Despite initial challenges and massive negative press, Jeff's team persevered, leading to the success of their bike share programs in major cities. He also discusses his latest venture, re:Charge-e, a micro-utility company focused on wireless charging solutions for shared mobility businesses. 

Key takeaways from the episode include:
  • Build an extraordinary team: Jeff attributes the success of his bike share company to the exceptional individuals who shared a common mission. Building a strong team is crucial for overcoming challenges and driving innovation.
  • Balance work and personal life: Jeff emphasizes the importance of finding a work-life balance that includes personal fulfillment. Incorporating joyful activities and pursuing opportunities outside of work can contribute to overall success.
  • Innovate and adapt: Jeff's journey highlights the importance of adapting to changing circumstances and learning from setbacks. Innovating in the face of challenges can lead to transformative solutions and growth.
  • Focus on sustainability and equity: Jeff's mission centered around addressing climate change and equity issues through active transportation. By prioritizing sustainability and creating equitable solutions, entrepreneurs can have a positive impact on communities.
  • Embrace opportunities: Jeff encourages entrepreneurs to seize unusual opportunities that may arise in different settings. Exploring new avenues and embracing unexpected possibilities can lead to exciting and innovative ventures.
Join The Founder's Journey Podcast as Jeff Olson's story inspires and motivates entrepreneurs to navigate challenges, build extraordinary teams, and create impactful solutions in the world of urban transportation and shared mobility.

What is The Founder's Journey Podcast?

Telling the stories of startup founders and creators and their unique journey. Each episode features actionable tips, practical advice and inspirational insight.