The Digital Bosses Podcast

Unlocking Success in the Digital Space with Kara Conway

 Welcome to the Digital Bosses podcast with Joseph and Claire, where entrepreneurship, beauty, and the journey to success collide.

In this episode, join us for an insightful conversation with the incredible Kara Conway, a Social Media Business Lawyer, Entrepreneur, Mentor, and founder of the dynamic membership community, Business Hub.

Key Topics Covered:

  • Kara's inspiring 30-year legal journey and seamless transition into the online world.
  • Savvy insights into influencer marketing, contracts, and navigating the creator economy.

Who Should Tune In?

If you're a business owner, content creator, consultant, or entrepreneur, this podcast is a goldmine for you. Gain valuable knowledge on enhancing revenue streams, refining pitch strategies, mastering negotiation skills, and securing lucrative brand partnerships.

Key Takeaways:

  • Explore Kara's fascinating journey from being a lawyer to creating a personal brand on social media.
  • Nail the art of preserving your image in sponsorships and brand partnerships.
  • Navigate challenges and learn from mistakes as a content creator in brand collaborations.
  • Joseph and Kara spill the tea on reading the fine print, knowing your worth, and maintaining professionalism in partnerships. Bonus insights from Joseph's beauty industry experience!
  • The best Contract Templates to make sure you covered all your basis in your next digital partnership

Episode Highlights:

Learn the ropes on how to make an impact as a business or personal brand, the art of negotiating, and all the do’s and don'ts when it comes to brand deals.

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Follow @josephrubelli & and @thedigitalbossespodcast over on Instagram to join the conversation

Tune in Biweekly for more engaging conversations and insights from the world of digital entrepreneurship on Digital Bosses.

Creators & Guests

Claire Chen
Claire Chen is an image consultant, brand stylist and visual strategist. Over 16 years of international experiences working in the corporate of retail fashion and beauty industry as a stylist, and buyer, she has always loved the process of building a brand from scratch. She has combined her passion in merchandising, marketing and design to help small businesses owners and entrepreneurs build a strong, digital brand image and visibility.
Joseph Rubelli
Joseph Rubelli has spent his career building brands, helping businesses grow, and telling stories that resonate with audiences. After years of working in sales, marketing, and business across Europe and EMEA in the beauty & fashion industry for global brands like Lancer, Sephora, and LVMH Group, he combined his experience in corporate with a passion for storytelling and communication to found Rubelli Digital in 2020. He brings his expertise in digital marketing and PR to help business owners and service providers transform their businesses into strong digital brands.
Kara Conway
Kara is a business lawyer with over 30 years of experience working with small to mid-size businesses. Kara is a former adjunct college professor who taught Business Ethics, Business Communications, and Entrepreneurship classes.   She’s an entrepreneur and influencer who shares her experience online @karaconwayove and in her membership called Business Network Hub to help women optimize growth opportunities for their businesses or brands. Kara founded the Business Network Hub to help women navigate legal, business, and social media challenges to make smart business decisions and gain financial independence. In addition to her membership, Kara also offers Legal Contract Templates for creators, influencers, and entrepreneurs, 1:1 Coaching, and online courses and webinars.   Kara founded in 2018 and her dog/lifestyle brand @walterduffydog where she shares her dog Walter’s antics and 50+ lifestyle. Kara & Walter are a certified Therapy Dog Team and volunteer at their local hospital to bring a smile to patients, families and staff.  

What is The Digital Bosses Podcast ?

The Digital Bosses podcast is a biweekly snackable action-based training where you will discover the strategies and action steps to building a profitable business. Joseph and Claire explore topics from growing your brand, to building a successful online presence as a leader and beyond. Snack on these bite-sized business tips that can be implemented in your business right away!