Office 365 Distilled

After a visit to the Microsoft365 club, Marijn follows upon an idea to place MS Teams as the Hub for Applications and Steve and Marijn take time to expand on the strategy idea of using ‘MS Teams as a Hub’

What’s interesting is that 10 minutes into the podcast Marijn realises why this idea is familiar to him because he presented the concept with Corinna a few years ago! Memory is also a challenge when neither of us can remember what application has replaced UserVoice [feedback Hub].

The boys eventually leave this with the suggestion that this is a strategy that needs testing so why not think about MS Teams as a Hub/platform as you consider an upgrade or rollout of an app and consider if it can be easily integrated into the MS teams and adds value.

Show Notes

Glasgow summit and Commsverse get a mention 

Marijn is convinced that MS Teams as a hub is the way to go to the point that he even misses the ‘It Depends’ joke that he keeps mentioning.   Steves. Sarcasm is evident throughout the podcast, but Marijn defends it well.

The devil is in the detail and Steve is not sure that the app is ready and counters many arguments that Marijn puts in and event Steve is beginning to see some sense but the strategy does need some development and yet again suggests that this conversation is ahead of the time and that maybe the future might deliver the right functionality.

It is difficult to argue against the logic that because I spend so much time in MS Teams having access to the applications I need for my job.

Steve Starts to think about how it might work, and Marijn identifies some solutions about how to focus the navigation against audiences based on policies for personae groups.

Steve is not impressed with this idea and wonders if MS Teams in its current format is suitable to provide Navigation and appropriate functionality to become the true application, Hub.  But accepts as a strategy the concept makes sense but wonders if it has the legs

The biggest issue is the current structure because everything is based around teams a Channel to have global access to the app’s navigation seems difficult.

Expanding Topics AI functionality might be an answer to draw people across to the apps your team is using and maybe a solution for your team to continue your processes when you go on holiday and maybe

Steve throws in left-field questions to ask about UserVoice and cannot remember the name of the replacement.  But after the podcast, we remember.  We know now that it’s called Feedback Hub which is a Windows Application for reporting improvements.

Marijn accepts that this is not a perfect solution and decides that the only perfect solution is Anne Hathaway 

The boys eventually leave this with the suggestion that this is a strategy that needs testing so why not think about MS Teams as a Hub/platform as you consider an upgrade or rollout of an app and consider if it can be easily integrated into the MS teams and adds value.

The finish is from the USA with a very neat Drink that Al Capone once described as “the Good Stuff” Templeton Rye 6-year-old from a small-town distillery in the State of IOWA

Creators & Guests

Marijn Somers
Microsoft MVP. Freelance Microsoft 365 expert focusing on user adoption and governance. Trainer. Licensed watchmaker.
Steve Dalby
Podcaster "Office365Distilled" Driving Collaboration Business Goals, Speaking about Governance, Whiskey taster and imbiber all round father and good guy.

What is Office 365 Distilled?

This podcast is presented by Marijn and Steve; two experienced Microsoft 365 and SharePoint consultants. In each podcast you will get a smile or two with a chunk of interesting and practical help in Microsoft 365. Then you get introduced you to what we hope is a Whisky you have not tasted before.