
Today’s Storytime podcast is brought to you by Shawline Publishing Group, Australia's best publishing agency for independent authors, first rate literacy and artistic content.

Shawline Publishing Group publishes a rich and internationally appealing collection of the best new authors in our country and around the globe. Joining us today is indie Author of ‘I am Woman’ Anita Selzer.

Anita strives to desire, to embrace our differences, to strive for harmony in this world of terrorism and to protect our children. ‘I am Woman’ presents a nuanced view of how we could be living our lives in the near future, valuing Parenthood, family, and paid work and how we treat one another with respect in the future. So, tune in to today’s Storytime podcast to hear from this Amazing Feminist warrior!

Purchase the book:

What is Storytime?

Reading isn’t the only way to escape into stories. Brett McCallum dons his headphones and picks out the best literary.
Storytime offers their listeners different ways to enjoy books, from hearing an author’s voice and getting the lowdown on the latest discovering you’ve never heard of.
Prepare to get booked!