Snoof Box by Some Nobodies

Look, it’s a first date. We don’t really know each other yet, the chemistry is a little off, the appetizers come out cold because we went to a restaurant that underpays its staff and they just don't care. But, baby, we missed you, and we hope these twelve dollar mozzarella sticks don’t remind you of the bad times. Do you mind if we go dutch on the bill?

The entrees on today’s menu include highly choreographed action-revenge thrillers, confusing time zone coordination, and the superhero genre slump. Wait, you’re allergic? Uh, it's all good, I'm pretty sure I saw a salad bar...

For more snoofiness, look for Some Nobodies on all podcast platforms.

Become an honorary snoof at

As always, be well.

What is Snoof Box by Some Nobodies?

When Zack and Dylan started up Some Nobodies back in the heady days of pre-COVID 2020, Dylan had one request: no chatterbox podcasts. Now, almost five years later, he’s gotten old and lazy and - because he loves hanging out with Zack (and Michael, when he can make the time) - they’re back at it, with the SNOOF BOX - a semi-weekly podcast with nothing but chatter.

These are their stories.

For more snoofiness from Zack and Dylan, search for Some Nobodies on all podcast platforms.

Become an honorary snoof at

As always, be well.