Generally American (A Journey in American English)

Kris and I touch on the topics of NFL being in Germany and post-thanksgiving topicds

Show Notes

Thanksgiving came and went. Kris and I touch on how we spent our thanksgivings. Also, we delve into some side topics like the NFL being in Germany and winter weather.

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What is Generally American (A Journey in American English)?

Hello, Hola, Guten Tag, Bonjour, こんにちは !

Welcome everyone,

this is a podcast for those wanting to learn about U.S. culture through Standard American English, also known as General American. We talk about various different topics related to the U.S. and the U.S.'s relations with other countries.

My co-host and I would like to think of this as more of a journey because you never know where it’ll take us. Plus, since the journey’s more important than the end or the start, we hope that you’ll be willing to join us!

Let’s see where it takes us!