
What is ours by promise is not always ours by experience.  We are often too stubborn to receive the promise of God's goodness. All the children of Israel that God delivered out of Egypt were promised the Promise Land but only two entered. Only Joshua and Caleb had the courage and were able to enter in. Good truly tests us more than evil. And a lot, if not all of what God promises you, you must fight to possess. The harvest and entering the Promise Land is a lot of hard work. 

What is Crosslines?

Are you ready to be put to work for God's End-Time Army? It is NOW or NEVER! Angelia Ruth, “Angie”, has ministered in over 35 countries in some of the most dangerous places in the world. Author and co-author of over a dozen books, she has led mission teams and college groups over the past 30 years and is recognized for her prison ministry program by the State of Texas. She teaches God has a hilariously exciting life for every believer who will take Him at His Word and follow Him into R-I-S-K. If you have ears for truth and a sincere desire to sell out to God, this podcast is for you.