Digging In The Dirt with Kevin Gallagher

Organic farmer Kaitlyn Kimball is my guest on this show.
Kaitlyn is Owner of Sunset Organic farm in Naugatuck Ct. with her husband Lawrence Passeck.  Sunset is a USDA Certified Organic vegetable and flower farm  focused on sustainability and community.  Kaitlyn is also Director of Agriculture at CitySeed in New Haven.   CitySeed has a mission to "create a healthy, sustainable, and just food system for all.”

Creators & Guests

Kevin Gallagher

What is Digging In The Dirt with Kevin Gallagher?

“Digging in the Dirt” is a podcast and radio show featured on WPKN (wpkn.org) with climate change experts and activists, promoting organic and regenerative farming techniques, showing the way to grow healthier food in a way that respects the planet’s health. In addition to nationally known movers and shakers in this niche, Kevin loves to feature food authors, local farmers and gardeners pushing the envelope by encouraging us to take personal responsibility, as consumers and gardeners, toward the environment on our properties and urban lots. These guests give us methods, ideas and recipes for creating a better environment for people, our children, animals, insects and the plant life of our planet’s ecology — one backyard at a time.