Big Sky Documentary Film Festival

A chance encounter transformed Bernie Krause's life, setting the prolific composer and sound artist on a path to capture the sounds of a vanishing wilderness. The Last of the Nightengales is a haunting black-and-white film that follows Krause's journey, inviting the audience to experience the rich acoustic beauty of the living world through his ears. Director Masha Karpoukhina visited the Missoula Broadcasting Company studios to talk about the film with Aubrey Nilsen.

What is Big Sky Documentary Film Festival?

Now in its 21st year, the Big Sky Documentary Film Festival is the premier venue for non-fiction film in the American West. Every year, the festival brings over a hundred beautifully-crafted, thought-provoking documentary films to Missoula, Montana. This podcast, a collaboration between the Big Sky Documentary Film Festival and the Missoula Broadcasting Company, gives you the chance to hear directly from filmmakers, gaining insight into what drew them to their subjects and the behind-the-scenes stories of their films.