4D Recruitment Method

Everyone who works in recruitment has an opinion about KPIs. It seems (from the stream on Linkedin) to be a polarising topic. 

My call on it? 

A business without KPIs is going to be weaker for it. And just because you’ve worked for a recruitment agency that beasted you with them it doesn’t make them broken. 

It only means the beasting was. 

A KPI is a thing of beauty when it can guide you to high levels of performance. And who doesn’t want that? 

And real KPIs can even help you to make more money by doing less work… beast me that all day please.

What is 4D Recruitment Method?

The podcast for recruitment business owners, consultants and managers. Hosted by Jeremy Snell, this pod takes a fresh look at recruitment and how to achieve consistent success. Each short, punchy episode gives you an idea to play with or, a different perspective on a common challenge.
Making recruitment fun again.