Following The Call with Carolyn C. Lowe

In this weeks episode, Carolyn is feeling inspired to be active in the world. You know the typical life, get out with friends, party, shopping, eating out etc. However, discernment kicks in for God calling her to be still. Yearning for closeness with the Holy Spirit comes with being able to hear the voice calling you towards certain instructions.

What Carolyn is learning that moments of stillness are also apart of your spiritual journey in developing your closeness with the Lord. Busyness doesn’t always mean you’ve been most productive.

There is a great deal of frustration that comes with a new found love for Christ because you’ll start to feel convictions that contradict who you use to be and who you’re becoming. This is more of a visual enjoyment. Check out the YouTube version of this episode. Enjoy. 

Psalm 4:8 says, "In peace I will both lie down and sleep, for you alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety".

Mark 2:27 says, "The Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath".

What is Following The Call with Carolyn C. Lowe?

Welcome friends, to “Following The Call Podcast”. Honest communication saves relationships. Starting with the communication you’re having with your Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!

Life is full of experiences that will lead you closer to God or further away from him, his love for us, his word, and his purpose for our lives.

God has given Carolyn a platform to share with her audience the trials, tribulations, breakdowns, and breakthroughs of her life experience as she seeks discipleship since denouncing “New Age Spiritual Practices” to following God’s call on her life; Lead his people back to his Kingdom.

In return, Carolyn has offered her life to the Lord by creating a community of likeminded believers whether seasoned, a baby in Christ, or just awakening to your spiritual journey; having hard conversations with honesty and authenticity, Carolyn creates a safe space for listeners to reflect, grow, heal, and draw closer to our Lord and Savior.

Do you remember a time when you felt called by God to make a change in your life because there is something bigger in purpose you should share with the world? You ever feel like your story will lead to a breakthrough for others? This may be a place of encouragement for you. Welcome and enjoy!

Topics: forgiveness, shame, guilt, obedience, spiritual warfare, desires of marriage, fallen friendships, career advice, prayer, fasting, hearing God’s voice and more…

If you would like a prayer request, help me honor the Lord by dropping it in your review message if anything you’ve heard here has helped you along your journey! I am here to be used by God, nonetheless this is also honoring the audience he has led here and ultimately honoring him. Please don’t leave without rating the show and giving us feedback on what you think we’re doing well or could work on. We love you, God loves you! GO IN PEACE! 🤍